Well one last shout out to my big sis for finishing her mission! So proud! It's weird to be the only missionary in the family though. Now I have to really pull through with the emails haha but anyway, this week was a great one. We saw a bunch of miracles and ate some of the best food of my entire mission. The members here are really good about giving meals so we've been set for the most part. I think this might be the area where I finally put on the missionary gut haha.
Well to start off, Monday night we were waiting for the truck to come drop off all the furniture for the new house. Usually when they open up a new area, they just bring stuff from another area that had recently closed, but when they opened up the back of the truck, we were greeted by new desks, new dishes, new beds, new mattresses, new everything (except the fridge) haha. It was amazing!
Then basically the rest of the week we spent with the Sisters who are in the same ward as us and the other members, trying to get to know the area and all the members, less actives, and recent converts. The members here are really good. Active, friendly, and most of all, willing to feed us haha. The overall economic level here (does that make sense?) is a lot higher than in my other areas so it's some really good food haha.
Two quick miracles because we have to go soon.
Thursday night we were walking around almost all night and not really finding anyone to teach and we were feeling a little bummed, but we kept walking and looking until about 8. I started feeling an urge to head back to the house, but, thinking it was my own disappointment, I ignored it. But after walking some more, I kept feeling like we needed to go home, so I told my companion and we headed home. In front of our apartment, there's a little store so we stopped in to buy something to eat. We were just walking in when a lady stops us and calls, ''Elders, how are you? I've been hoping to get to talk to you! My family and I live in front of you. We're members too! Are you hungry?" haha so she invites us up, we meet the whole family and they give us dinner. It turns out they're a less active family that had recently moved and were trying to get back into the church. But they live super close and we'll see how it goes!
Then Saturday night it was almost the same story just without the food haha. We had gotten back from the priesthood session of Stake Conference and we had headed up to contact some references. None of them were home, so we started heading back when a man calls out to us and comes running up to talk to us. He asks us to walk with him to his house because it's a little dangerous where we needed to pass and on the way he tells us about the missionaries he's met with before and tells us that he wants to meet with them again, with his whole family. We talked for a while outside his house and and he introduced us to a few of his kids and we set an appointment to come back tonight. So we'll see how it goes.
But this week I saw how much the Lord loves us because everyday, He gave us exactly what we needed. It wasn't when we were expecting it and it didn't come until after we had given everything, but He was always there for us. It's been a great first week in Moravia and I can't wait to see what comes next. Love you guys a ton! Have a great week!!
Elder Hansen
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