Hey guys!!
Another great week! I know I say that a lot, but this week was just full of good times. And don't worry Dad I'm not just sugarcoating it haha.
Well, last Monday, we had a pretty boring pday, basically just slept, but it was just what we needed. After that, we had a few lessons and met with our ward mission leader. This guy is a total stud. He was baptized almost a year and a half ago and is one of the best converts I've ever met. Loves the gospel and loves to help the missionaries. He always brings us up to his house, gives us dinner, and then helps us with anything we need in the branch. And then drops us off again at the house. Love that guy.
Tuesday was a pretty normal day, nothing too special.
Wednesday. Where do I even start. So last week, the branch president gave David and Maureen temple recommends to go do baptisms for the dead and President has given us permission to go with our converts the first time they go to the temple, so we all piled in the car and headed for the temple Wednesday night. We made a quick stop at the temple store (a missionary's favorite store) and then went to go do baptisms. Luckily, we were the only ones there so there was no rush and they each got to do like 10 names. Maureen went first, and like we expected, came out crying from the font. After David finished, he came walking slowly up out of the font and I thought at first he was just wiping the water from his eyes, until I saw how red they were. I got to do the confirmations and when I finished he gave me a huge, soaking wet hug haha after we had all changed, we went outside to take pictures and all of the sudden President Hayes comes walking out of the temple. Biggest surprise. The best part was seeing David's reaction, because President had also been at his baptism, so he was super pumped up to see him again haha we stayed to talk to President while they went to pull the car around, and after waiting a little, we decided to just go meet them by the car. When we got close, we saw David and Maureen standing by the car hugging and crying. Best moment of my mission. Almost got me to cry. Haha almost. Then on the way home, they took us to Carl's Jr - best day of my mission.

Thursday, was pretty normal too, but we had a visit with one of our investigators that blew us away. We had left a pamphlet with him earlier in the week and when we asked if he had read he got super excited and started showing us all the things he had marked and not only had he read everything, he had answered the questions in the back, which is something I've seen only about three times in my mission. We were pretty pumped up after that haha.
Friday, another great day.
Saturday we had a conference with Elder Cook with both of the missions. Which was awesome because we got to see an apostle and everyone from the other mission. Got to see my dad!! Missed that kid.
With his "dad" Elder Duran, who is now in the West mission |
Elder Cook gave a really good talk, but the best part was at the end when he bore his testimony of the Savior. He told us that they try not to share too many of the spiritual experiences they have as apostles, but he told us that he knows His voice and His face. No one in the room could deny that testimony. Incredibly powerful.
Sunday was another great day. A drunk guy gave me a little rock to help me feel better, really touched by that one haha.
And so far today, we went to help the sisters in our district move and then went out to lunch. At Carls Jr. Again. Haha it's not the only restaurant here, it's just the only one we ever end up going to.
But anyway, just a really good week. Love this mission more than anything. Have a great week everyone! Enjoy the pictures, sorry it's been so long.
Elder Hansen
"Nieto!" - [grandson - Elder Sandoval]
"Elder Lemon, from my MTC group" |
"Templo!" |