Monday, August 3, 2015

Week 39 - Chikungunya

Hey fam!

Hope you all had a super week! Sounds like you guys are really stepping up in the family adventures, thanks for starting after we left haha. But this week sure was a good one. Not a whole too much happened, but it's still super fun to be here in Siquirres. Not gonna try to go through everyday because as you've seen I'm not all that good at remembering what happened but here's some of the highlights.

We had a baptism! Well technically it was last week but I forgot to write about it haha sorry.

I went on divisions and stayed alone in the area! Only got lost like 2 times but it was an adventure.

I ate sugar cane for the first time! It was super weird, but I liked it. You bite off a piece and chew on it until all the water has come out and then just spit it out, kinda weird, but hey it was something new.

We should have a baptism this week too! One of our investigators finally came to church and we finally got to talk to her about her baptism and she accepted. Praying a lot for that.

I've got chikungunya! It's some disease transmitted by mosquitoes, also called dengue I think. Anyway it's the worst. I was walking around yesterday and started to feel kinda hot, which was normal because it was baking hot, but then I stopped feeling hot and started feeling cold and my head was killing me and I just wanted to throw up. We stopped by a member's house for some water and some pills which really helped but then by the time we got home, I just felt like dying. I think I slept a lot of it off but last night was a struggle haha.

But anyway that's about all I can remember from this week. Love you guys! Hope you have a fantastic week!

Elder Hansen

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