Monday, May 4, 2015

Week 26 - A trip to the office

Hey fam!

So sorry this is so late, we got a call on Sunday night we had to be in the offices early Monday morning and we got back a little later than we thought, but here we are haha. Elder Hernandez had to head out to the embassy with a few other missionaries so I got to hang out with Elder Nielsen all day which was super fun. I miss that kid haha it was so nice to just talk and try my best to help him manage all the crises that happen every 5 seconds in the office. I honestly don't know how they do it.

With Elder Nielsen
I don't know how many times I've said this but I really can't believe another week has gone by. But it was a really good week this week. Our new zone leader, Elder Macias, is super pumped to be here and he's giving us that little boost that we needed to get better. It's been a little more pressure on me because there's a lot more I need to be doing as district leader, but it'll be good for me I know. 

It was really just a pretty normal week. I can't remember too much of what happened except for one thing that really struck me. On Thursday, we went back to another part of our area, where we haven't had much success, to contact some of the new investigators we had found the week before. We passed by one of the houses from the week before and they weren't there so we kept walking down the street to see if we could find someone else. It was a pretty lonely street, but for some reason we kept walking and I remember feeling that we were about to find someone big. After about five minutes of passing houses that were all closed, we were about to turn around, but I decided to just contact the last house before the road curved off. After we called, a man came out and told us to come up, before we had even introduced ourselves. When we got into his house, he introduced himself and his mom and asked us to sit down and teach us. We started our normal routine of explaining that God loves us and wants the best for us, which is why he called prophets to teach His gospel. They got really excited about that and understood perfectly everything we taught. We were about to finish up the lesson, but I felt the prompting to share a Book of Mormon with them. They received it so well and promised to read it, saying that it was a gift from God and was their new treasure. By the time we left they had committed to be baptized and come to church and the mom was hugging the Book of Mormon. Those moments are the most rewarding things about being a missionary, seeing the change the gospel makes in the lives of so many people.

Also, we've been getting relly into the EFY music. It's actually pretty good stuff!...... ok I just miss real music haha but there's this one called We Are One, that had become our pump up song haha

Well that's about all I got for ya guys haha sorry. Hope you had a great week and can't wait to talk to you!

Elder Hansen

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