Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Week 15 - A kind bus driver

"Study time"
Buenas Familia!

Had a really, really good week. We saw some real milagros [miracles] with a lot of our investigators and got saved a few times haha. 

Tuesday we had some great lessons with more of our investigators and it was great to see the progress finally taking shape. We've learned a lot about how to set up our lessons and to prepare for each individual and that has helped a lot. 

Wednesday was pretty normal too haha nothing too exciting happened, I don't think. Just more missionary work. Which is exciting enough in itself so there's that.

Thursday was really really good. We went to another part of our area that we have to take the bus to get to. We got there at about 1 and had a few appoinments lined up, but they fell through until later so we had to adjust a little, but it all worked out and we had some really good lessons. The only problem was, that by the time we finished, we had missed the final bus that left at 5. Out of desperation, we went to the bus stop to wait. We were there for about 10 minutes with nothing and we were about to leave when I saw a bus coming down the road. And then I watched it drive right past us haha. I was too discouraged to notice it had stopped about 100 yards down the road and was honking for us. So we ran over and the driver is a friend of a member who we had met last week. When we get in, there isn't anyone on the bus and he doesn't make us pay. He asks us where we're going and offers to take us all the way back haha. And what makes it even better is that this isn't even on his route. He was just coming back from dropping off a friend when he passed by us. The Lord really watches over His missionaries haha. 

The rest of the week was pretty great. Finally set some baptismal dates with our investigators and we're seeing so much more progress. 

Love you all so much, hope you all have a fantastic week.

Elder Hansen

"New name plaques!"

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